Friday, March 14, 2008
Monday, November 26, 2007

Throughout human history, there have been many threats to the security of nations. These threats have brought about large-scale losses of life, the destruction of property, widespread illness and injury, the displacement of large numbers of people, and devastating economic loss.
Terrorism is the use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of the criminal laws.
Acts of terrorism include threats of terrorism, assassinations, kidnappings, hijackings, bomb scares and bombings, cyber attacks (computer-based), and the use of chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological weapons.
Terrorists often use threats to:
- Create fear among the public.
- Try to convince citizens that their government is powerless to prevent terrorism.
- Get immediate publicity for their causes.
High-risk targets for acts of terrorism include military and civilian government facilities, international airports, large cities, and high-profile landmarks. Terrorists might also target large public gatherings, water and food supplies, utilities, and corporate centers. Further, terrorists are capable of spreading fear by sending explosives or chemical and biological agents through the mail.
A common suggestion is that there must be something wrong with terrorists. Terrorists must be crazy, or suicidal, or psychopaths without moral feelings or feelings for others. Thirty years ago this suggestion was taken very seriously, but thirty years of research has found psychopathology and personality disorder no more likely among terrorists than among non-terrorists from the same background
No one wakes up one morning and decides that today is the day to become a terrorist. The trajectory by which normal people become capable of doing terrible things is usually gradual, perhaps imperceptible to the individual
In too-simple terms, terrorists kill for the same reasons that groups have killed other groups for centuries. They kill for cause and comrades, that is, with a combination of ideology and intense small-group dynamics. The cause that is worth killing for and even dying for is personal, a view of the world that makes sense of life and death and links the individual to some form of immortality
As far as we know, most terrorists feel that they are doing nothing wrong when they kill and injure people, or damage property. Most seem to share a feature of a psychological condition known as anti-social personality disorder or psychopathic personality disorder, which is an absence of empathy for the suffering of others - they don’t feel other people’s pain. However, they do not appear unstable or mentally ill.
Terrorists, particularly political terrorists, may come from upper rather than lower class backgrounds
Terrorists are often the products of overly permissive, wealthy families with whom they were in conflict, had inconsistent mothering, or were isolated from
For surviving victims themselves, and their friends and families, the reaction to their experiences may be post traumatic stressSome people will need professional help. Others will get by with the support of their families and friends.
Psychologists study terrorism with the aim of identifying those who are or may become terrorists, with a view to aiding in prevention, detection or capture. A better understanding of the circumstances that cause a person to become a terrorist may help us prevent it in the future.
Founded in 1996, the Terrorism Research Center, Inc. (TRC) is an independent institute dedicated to the research of terrorism, information warfare and security, critical infrastructure protection, homeland security, and other issues of low-intensity political violence and gray-area phenomena.
General Safety Guidelines:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Move or leave if you feel uncomfortable or if something does not seem right.
- Take precautions when traveling. Be aware of conspicuous or unusual behavior. Do not accept packages from strangers. Do not leave luggage unattended. You should promptly report unusual behavior, suspicious or unattended packages, and strange devices to the police or security personnel.
- Learn where emergency exits are located in buildings you frequent. Plan how to get out in the event of an emergency.
- Be prepared to do without services you normally depend on—electricity, telephone, natural gas, gasoline pumps, cash registers, ATMs, and Internet transactions.
- Work with building owners to ensure the following items are located on each floor of the building:
- Portable, battery-operated radio and extra batteries.
- Several flashlights and extra batteries.
- First aid kit and manual.
- Hard hats and dust masks.
- Fluorescent tape to rope off dangerous areas.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Psychology of Creativity

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
There are three reasons why people are motivated to be creative. Firstly, they feel need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation . Secondy, they feel need to communicate ideas and values. And thirdly they feel need to solve problems .
There are as many opinions about people‘s creativity as many people and everybody has their own conception about it. Due to fact I‘m one of those who believe that everybody is creative I‘m going to pay attention to this belief. So as i mentioned earlier, it is important to know that we are all naturally creative and we all have something inside of us that is authentically ours, wanting to be expressed.Weather this „something is written, painted, sung,spoken, danced our creativity is one of the most unique and precious aspects of who we are.
There are even several characteristics of creative personaliy:
- Creative individuals have a great deal of energy, but they are also often quiet and at rest.
- Creative individuals tend to be smart, yet also naive at the same time.
- Creative individuals have a combination of playfulness and discipline, or responsibility and irresponsibility.
- Creative individuals alternate between imagination and fantasy ant one end, and rooted sense of reality at the other.
- Creative people seem to harbor opposite tendencies on the continuum between extroversion and introversion.
- Creative individuals are also remarkable humble and proud at the same time.
- Creative individuals to a certain extent escape rigid gender role stereotyping and have a tendency toward androgyny.
Generally, creative people are thought to be rebellious and independent. - Most creative persons are very passionate about their work, yet they can be extremely objective about it as well.
- The openness and sensitivity of creative individuals often exposes them to suffering pain yet also a great deal of enjoyment.
Although I believe that all people are born with different level of creativity, I think that less gifted should try to develop their creativiness. Research suggests many different strategies for increasing creativeness. Each can be implemented in different situations in different ways, sometimes in multiple ways.
I‘m going to mantion two.
First, Positive affirmations. Whatever you tell yourself you are, that’s what you become. If the chatter in your head is constantly saying “you’re not good enough”, “you’re no artist”, “who do you think you are trying to be creative?”, then that’s what you’ll believe.
You can turn this around by replacing these negative thoughts with positive ones that will support and nurture your creativity.Use phrases that are positive, personal and in the present tense.
Second, Gathering evidence. Most of us are very quick to dismiss any creative work we’ve done in the past. How often have you found yourself saying or thinking something like – “oh that wasn’t really creative, I was only playing around. Anyone could do the same.”?
The other common way to dismiss your efforts is to conveniently forget you even created them! To show yourself what you have created, and how creative you actually are, take the time to gather the evidence.
Think of everything you’ve created in the last 6 months, year, 3 years, 5 years. Don’t just pick huge projects, note down anything that’s creative, from cooking a special meal to making a greetings card for a friend.
These are creative activities, so count them all. Creativity is not simply about carving huge sculptures or writing epic novels. Truly creative people create everyday and in everything they do. You’ll soon realise you’re the same.
Anyone can master these creative strategies. They're all that stand between you and the most creative people in history.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
My Happiness

There are as many different opinions as many different people. But I would say YES. If I can make myself happy with little presents or just talking to my friends. I can control these moments.That's like always: if now you feel sad or really bad you shouldn't worry- after a moment you'll be happy and feel great( just like in waving sea).
Of course not everyone feels good just because of talking to friends. Personaly me, communication or visiting friends gives a great pleasure. It's one of the things that make me happy.
Second, I feel really happy when someone does something for me( who doesnt?). For example I won't never forget the birthday that my sister made for me..That moment I felt so happy like none else in the whole world.Also even hug or good word can make my day magic.
On the other hand I'm not so old but sometimes I love to slow down , forget what i must to do ..and just sit down, look through window and let myself to dream a bit about past moments.About great adventures or situations that made me laugh. And when I do so I always feel so happy.
So finally, I always can catch those moments inside of me. So I don't need to learn how to be happy. I can always feel like that..hope you too;)
Listening To a Podcast

I'm not sure about the level of English because it wasn't exactly written. But I have no doubts that it was upper- intermediate or advanced.Next thing I noticed was the speaker's accent.On my opinion it was American English. I loved listening to these podcasts because of several reasons.
First of them is that the speaker wasn't speakint too slow or too fast.It was perfect.
Secondly, I loved the way the speaker was speaking. He wasn't speaking boringly. The speach was fluent.As he was reading I could imagine everything he was telling.
And I guess the most important reason I loved doing this task is that I've chosen the most interesting topic for me.Undoubtedly, I wouldn't have had so much fun if I hasn't been able to choose the topic by myself.
I think that these points were the reasons why I didn't have to read the text after listening. And of course these are the reasons why I' d to listen podcasts just two times each.
To sum up, on my opinion such tasks are really useful for students, because we can hear the real English. Also it helps us to prepare for our future English exam.By the way, today I' ve found some new facts about really famous person.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Stress and Coping

- what is stress
- situations when we are stressed and grouops of stress
- consequences of stress
- how to deal with stress
Stress is a person's response to events that are threatening or chalenging. Definitly, the description differs a bit depending on where it is used( for example biology, medicine, psychology, everyday life). Due to the fact I'm sutdying psychology I'll try to share the information I've found out on psychological aspects.
So, in psychology stress occur as a tension, annoyance, fear, anxiety, anger or other emotions that we understand as inner discomfort and lost of inner balance.
When people suffer from stress they loose their ability to think logically, attentivness, will, conscious control of behaviour. Due to that people who are stressed start acting weard:they may become slower or opositly - more active.
Strong, long-lasting or chronic, often repeating stress may lead to biological and psychological disorders. But there's no point and use at trying to live the whole life without stress. According to H. Selje( a person who began research of stress) life with no stress is equal to death. Everybody can take some level of stress and feels a necessity to have some.
There are some different groups of situations in which we feel stressed.
To begin time stress- such kind of stress occurs in situations when we' re short in time.
Second, stress of responsibility occurs when we have to make really important decisions or we have to take a risk.
Third, social- psychological stress. Occurs due to communication. For example: because of difference of opinions, bad relationships.
Then inner conflicts' stress. Occurs in situations where are psychological conflicts. For example: conflicts of motivation, different feelins to the same objects.
And the last, physiological stress. Occurs due to discomfort of body.For example: people may be stressed in noisy, too hot places.
Of course there's something that everytime leads us to stress. So circumstances or events that produce threats to our well- being are known as stressors. Obviously, there are several different categories of them. And trhee general classes of them:
- cataclysmic events. A strong stressors that occur suddenly and typically affect many people at once.
- personal stressors. Include major life events such as the death of family member that have immediate negative consequences that generally fade wih time.
- background stress( daily hassles). Everyday annoyences that cause minor irritations and may have long term ill effects if they continue or are compounded by other stressful events.
- psychological reactions. In other words emotional- feeling reactions. Are anger, irritation, fear , tension.
- physiological reactions. We can identify them from frequent blood pulsation, higher level of sweating, tension in muscles, etc.
- behavioural reactions. People make much more gestures or opositly make no gestures, they may shout or be quiet.
- changes in thinking. We can not think fluently, can not concentrate on other things, we just have one obsessive thought.
And finally, dealing with stress. There are three major ways to deal with it: executive, rational and relaxation steps.
- executive way. The best situation to apply in coping with time stress. For example: when you try to plan what to do when. Planing considers on importance of things.
- rational. When people have inner conflict they are looking for somebody to talk to.
- relaxation. In this way people deal with stress when they take a walk, listen to music, read a book or does some other things that help them to relax.
G. Žukauskas "Psichologinės pareigūnų problemos", Vilnius, 2000.
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Unfortunately, there are so many scientists interested in what actually language is and as always there are many definitions for language. Therefore, there is no unanimous opinion on what it is. Due to this fact and shortage of time I’ll mention just two of them. So one scientists say that language is system relating symbols to meaning and proving rules for combining and recombining the symbols for communication. Others say: language is the communication of information through symbols arranged according to systematic rules. I guess all of us should pick the most suitable definition for each of us.
Although scientists do not agree on what language is it looks like there are no arguments about what it is made of. I think that trying to understand language is equally important to understand all parts of it. So, the main structure of language is grammar, which deals with tree major components of language: Syntax, Phonology , Semantics. Now I’d like to say something more about these parts.
To begin, grammar. Grammar is a system of rules that determine how our thoughts can be expressed. In other words, it is the study of rules governing the use of language. It is important to know that every language has its own grammar. Even the same language has some different kinds of grammar. For example, the grammar we are learning at school is called prescriptive grammar. It covers how we’re supposed to speak and write by addressing appropriate style and correct sentence formation. The grammar that interests linguists is descriptive grammar, the collection of rules and principles which tell people how to create and understand an almost infinite number of utterances in their own language.
Then there is, syntax. Syntax is the ways in which words and phrases can be combined to form sentences.
Next, phonology- the study of smallest units of speech, called phonemes. Phonemes are divided into vowel phonemes and constant phonemes.
And the last, but not least- semantics. It is the meanings of words and sentences. Semantic rules allow us to use words to convey the subtlest nuances.
Now, when we know what the language is made of we should find out how we do lean it. Or should I say did learn. Even though infants can not speak but still they are communicating to the world. By the age of a month, a child is already distinguishing between similar sounds. Later (at age of 3 month through 1 year) they start babbling, which means making speechlike but meaningless sounds. Allover the world babies babble the same sounds. But luckily in the end of this stage the sounds that babies make begin to resemble the language of their caretakers. Moreover, after age of 1 year, children begin to learn more complicated forms of language. During this period they start using telegraphic speech. That’s sentences in which words not critical to the message are left out. It sounds if they were part of a telegram. As children get older they use less telegraphic speech and produce increasingly complex sentences. This also leads to errors. At age of 3 years children start to apply language rules even when the application results in an error. It is called overgeneralization. Finally by the age of 5 years children have acquired the basic rules of language.
Anyone can learn a new language. People who can use two languages well are bilingual. Children especially can learn to be bilingual, because they remember new information faster than adults. They can learn two languages at home, at school, or in the community. Some people learn both languages very well. But sometimes, they know one language better than the other. The language bilingual people know better is called the dominant language. Over time the dominant language may change, especially if it isn’t used regularly. Speaking two languages is like any other skill. To do it well, we need lots of practice.
There are many different advices how to become a bilingual. One way is to use two languages from the start. For example, one parent uses one language while the other parent uses another language.
Another is to use only one language at home. Children can learn the second language when they start school.
And the last I’m going to mention is to try to hear and practice using both languages in everyday situations as much as possible.
Furthermore, there are many resources you can use to become a bilingual. First, you can read in both languages. You can find the books you need at bookstores, at libraries, and on the Internet. Tapes and CDs in other languages can help too. Singing is a great way to start learning a second language, and it can be lots of fun! Moreover, children's programs are available in many languages. These programs often teach children about numbers, letters, colors, and basic vocabulary. So you can begin from easy things. You can also learn to be bilingual at language camps or in bilingual education programs. These give you the chance to use two languages with others.
Linda L. Davidoff ‘Introduction to psychology’, 1987
J. Lapė, G. Navikas ‘Psichologijos įvadas’, 2003