Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
There are three reasons why people are motivated to be creative. Firstly, they feel need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation . Secondy, they feel need to communicate ideas and values. And thirdly they feel need to solve problems .
There are as many opinions about people‘s creativity as many people and everybody has their own conception about it. Due to fact I‘m one of those who believe that everybody is creative I‘m going to pay attention to this belief. So as i mentioned earlier, it is important to know that we are all naturally creative and we all have something inside of us that is authentically ours, wanting to be expressed.Weather this „something is written, painted, sung,spoken, danced our creativity is one of the most unique and precious aspects of who we are.
There are even several characteristics of creative personaliy:
- Creative individuals have a great deal of energy, but they are also often quiet and at rest.
- Creative individuals tend to be smart, yet also naive at the same time.
- Creative individuals have a combination of playfulness and discipline, or responsibility and irresponsibility.
- Creative individuals alternate between imagination and fantasy ant one end, and rooted sense of reality at the other.
- Creative people seem to harbor opposite tendencies on the continuum between extroversion and introversion.
- Creative individuals are also remarkable humble and proud at the same time.
- Creative individuals to a certain extent escape rigid gender role stereotyping and have a tendency toward androgyny.
Generally, creative people are thought to be rebellious and independent. - Most creative persons are very passionate about their work, yet they can be extremely objective about it as well.
- The openness and sensitivity of creative individuals often exposes them to suffering pain yet also a great deal of enjoyment.
Although I believe that all people are born with different level of creativity, I think that less gifted should try to develop their creativiness. Research suggests many different strategies for increasing creativeness. Each can be implemented in different situations in different ways, sometimes in multiple ways.
I‘m going to mantion two.
First, Positive affirmations. Whatever you tell yourself you are, that’s what you become. If the chatter in your head is constantly saying “you’re not good enough”, “you’re no artist”, “who do you think you are trying to be creative?”, then that’s what you’ll believe.
You can turn this around by replacing these negative thoughts with positive ones that will support and nurture your creativity.Use phrases that are positive, personal and in the present tense.
Second, Gathering evidence. Most of us are very quick to dismiss any creative work we’ve done in the past. How often have you found yourself saying or thinking something like – “oh that wasn’t really creative, I was only playing around. Anyone could do the same.”?
The other common way to dismiss your efforts is to conveniently forget you even created them! To show yourself what you have created, and how creative you actually are, take the time to gather the evidence.
Think of everything you’ve created in the last 6 months, year, 3 years, 5 years. Don’t just pick huge projects, note down anything that’s creative, from cooking a special meal to making a greetings card for a friend.
These are creative activities, so count them all. Creativity is not simply about carving huge sculptures or writing epic novels. Truly creative people create everyday and in everything they do. You’ll soon realise you’re the same.
Anyone can master these creative strategies. They're all that stand between you and the most creative people in history.
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