The topic I've chosen is stress and coping. I'm going to mention these tinhgs:
Stress is a person's response to events that are threatening or chalenging. Definitly, the description differs a bit depending on where it is used( for example biology, medicine, psychology, everyday life). Due to the fact I'm sutdying psychology I'll try to share the information I've found out on psychological aspects.
So, in psychology stress occur as a tension, annoyance, fear, anxiety, anger or other emotions that we understand as inner discomfort and lost of inner balance.
When people suffer from stress they loose their ability to think logically, attentivness, will, conscious control of behaviour. Due to that people who are stressed start acting weard:they may become slower or opositly - more active.
Strong, long-lasting or chronic, often repeating stress may lead to biological and psychological disorders. But there's no point and use at trying to live the whole life without stress. According to H. Selje( a person who began research of stress) life with no stress is equal to death. Everybody can take some level of stress and feels a necessity to have some.
There are some different groups of situations in which we feel stressed.
To begin time stress- such kind of stress occurs in situations when we' re short in time.
Second, stress of responsibility occurs when we have to make really important decisions or we have to take a risk.
Third, social- psychological stress. Occurs due to communication. For example: because of difference of opinions, bad relationships.
Then inner conflicts' stress. Occurs in situations where are psychological conflicts. For example: conflicts of motivation, different feelins to the same objects.
And the last, physiological stress. Occurs due to discomfort of body.For example: people may be stressed in noisy, too hot places.
Of course there's something that everytime leads us to stress. So circumstances or events that produce threats to our well- being are known as stressors. Obviously, there are several different categories of them. And trhee general classes of them:
And finally, dealing with stress. There are three major ways to deal with it: executive, rational and relaxation steps.
- what is stress
- situations when we are stressed and grouops of stress
- consequences of stress
- how to deal with stress
Stress is a person's response to events that are threatening or chalenging. Definitly, the description differs a bit depending on where it is used( for example biology, medicine, psychology, everyday life). Due to the fact I'm sutdying psychology I'll try to share the information I've found out on psychological aspects.
So, in psychology stress occur as a tension, annoyance, fear, anxiety, anger or other emotions that we understand as inner discomfort and lost of inner balance.
When people suffer from stress they loose their ability to think logically, attentivness, will, conscious control of behaviour. Due to that people who are stressed start acting weard:they may become slower or opositly - more active.
Strong, long-lasting or chronic, often repeating stress may lead to biological and psychological disorders. But there's no point and use at trying to live the whole life without stress. According to H. Selje( a person who began research of stress) life with no stress is equal to death. Everybody can take some level of stress and feels a necessity to have some.
There are some different groups of situations in which we feel stressed.
To begin time stress- such kind of stress occurs in situations when we' re short in time.
Second, stress of responsibility occurs when we have to make really important decisions or we have to take a risk.
Third, social- psychological stress. Occurs due to communication. For example: because of difference of opinions, bad relationships.
Then inner conflicts' stress. Occurs in situations where are psychological conflicts. For example: conflicts of motivation, different feelins to the same objects.
And the last, physiological stress. Occurs due to discomfort of body.For example: people may be stressed in noisy, too hot places.
Of course there's something that everytime leads us to stress. So circumstances or events that produce threats to our well- being are known as stressors. Obviously, there are several different categories of them. And trhee general classes of them:
- cataclysmic events. A strong stressors that occur suddenly and typically affect many people at once.
- personal stressors. Include major life events such as the death of family member that have immediate negative consequences that generally fade wih time.
- background stress( daily hassles). Everyday annoyences that cause minor irritations and may have long term ill effects if they continue or are compounded by other stressful events.
- psychological reactions. In other words emotional- feeling reactions. Are anger, irritation, fear , tension.
- physiological reactions. We can identify them from frequent blood pulsation, higher level of sweating, tension in muscles, etc.
- behavioural reactions. People make much more gestures or opositly make no gestures, they may shout or be quiet.
- changes in thinking. We can not think fluently, can not concentrate on other things, we just have one obsessive thought.
And finally, dealing with stress. There are three major ways to deal with it: executive, rational and relaxation steps.
- executive way. The best situation to apply in coping with time stress. For example: when you try to plan what to do when. Planing considers on importance of things.
- rational. When people have inner conflict they are looking for somebody to talk to.
- relaxation. In this way people deal with stress when they take a walk, listen to music, read a book or does some other things that help them to relax.
•R. Bandzevičienė "Savireguliacija ir streso įveikimas" , Vilnius, 1994.
G. Žukauskas "Psichologinės pareigūnų problemos", Vilnius, 2000.
G. Žukauskas "Psichologinės pareigūnų problemos", Vilnius, 2000.
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