Monday, March 26, 2007


Human beings understand the world and things around in many different ways. This difficult process called cognition involves a lot of other processes. For instance, thinking and reasoning, problem solving, language, etc.

Thinking and reasoning
Thinking and reasoning are closely related. Without one there would not be the other. Word thinking does not have a concrete, one meaning definition. People use the word "think" very loosely to cover almost any mental processes at all. However reasoning is described as a process in which people use various decision- making strategies to answer questions accurately.

Problem solving
The other important part of cognition is problem solving which forms parts of thinking. It has been defined as higher-order cognitive process that requires the modulation and control of more routine or fundamental skills. This process begins when faced with problem. In this way people achieve the goal, and work to overcome the obstacles.

Language is a formal system of communication which involves the combination of words and symbols. It includes many rules such as grammar, phonology, semantics, syntax. While growing up children goes through few stages of language. First, babbling- using meaningless sounds. Second, telegraphic speech- words not necessary to message are left out. Last, overgeneralization- applying language rules even when it is not necessary. There are some disorders of understanding language.Receptive- difficulties understating spoken language. Other, expressive- difficulties expressing thoughts verbally.

On the whole, as mentioned before all of these processes involved in cognition and language are closely related. It is useful to know that if one is developed, others will develop automatically too.

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