Monday, March 26, 2007


fear is a distressing emotion araised by impending pain, danger, evil, act., or by the illusion of such. Nowadays there are lots of reasons that cause fear, for example, terrorism, unfamiliar religion, school safety, child molesters and many other reasons. i think firs of all trying to avoid this unpleasant feeling we should find out as much as possible information about it.
Firstly, the reaction of out body to fear. There are many symthoms of fear that people feel, but increased heart rate, rapid breathing, tenseness or trembling of muscles, increased sweating, and dryness of the moth are the most common. Fear shows itself in a multiplicity of ways. Those who weren't loved will often sabotage their close relationships because of fear of being loved. Those who couldn't ask their parents for love will fear doing so with their parents.
Moreover, fear first appear in human infants at about 7 month of age. Young children generally have more fears than older persons and their fears are experienced more intensely. Within families studies have shown that middle children as a group experience fewer fears than older or younger. Furthermore many people are plugged by chronic and unrealistic fear, including phobias and obsessions, that cause much unnecessary distress and can severely reduce their ability to function normally in society.
Summing up, fear can hold us back from engaging in life. It ca color our view of the world in flashing red lights. Due to this there are many advices to help people suffering from fear. Some suggest turning fear into love. Some suggest facing the fear. Another prescriptions are to act counterphobically, that means doing what one fears.

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