Psychology is the most interesting science in the whole world. The most common description for this science is: "psychology is a science about soul". That's why i hope I'll have enough brain cells and will to become a really good psychologist, because i was always interested in what is going on on other people's mind. Yet i don't exactly know what do real psychologists do, but i promise I'll find this out during next three and a half years.
But till the years pass i can fantasy a bit about my future profession( God help me). Sometimes i imagine myself as an usual psychologist( such as in movies): who works in herown office where' s a big, comfortable leather couch and day by day listens to the similar patients' life stories and from time to time says something like: 'Mhm..and what do yuo fell about that?'...Uf..that's too boring..
Next time i catch myself dreaming about myself working at a madhouse as a psychiatrist who is prescribing drugs and who sees lots of people in pain every day..Huh..that's scares me...
Moreover i could be a some kind of psychologist or smth like that who works in prisions(sorry i don't know the real word;>) who wears a suit, brushes hair into a mop and always carries a suitcase and tries to find out weather the prisoners are ready to get out of a prision...Am...i'm speechless..
I could keep dreaming all day long. Unfortunately i get more confused about my future after such fantasies..Undoubtedly, people are always scared by what they don't know...Since I'm just one of them I'm frightened my future profession..BUT thanks God i still have three and a half years left to make my worst dreams to sweetest reality...(to get known to psychology)
thank you for your attention;)